Truth be told, I have a career timeline for myself. Three days after graduation, I was in a rush to go over every career opportunity in Jobstreet. Panicking while I thoroughly scanned through page per page and hitting the apply button every chance I get—you can ask my best friends. Exactly a month after graduation; What happened, what's happening, and what's about to happen.
My parents aren't one to put on pressure and for that I will forever be grateful. They've expressed their delight in my thrive for career growth but they also reminded me to take a break and enjoy my youth; That although I have a career timeline and there are places I want to get to, I have to enjoy what's in front of me and trust in His process (and fully recover from that literal nerve wrecking surgery).
On this wise, here I am, unemployed, writing this blog post, and genuinely at ease. Allow me to brush on my French class takeaway and say: La vie est belle en effet. I've developed a routine with my Dorota (Gossip Girl reference #sorrynotsorry). I can freely edit my pictures without having to think about a PowerPoint presentation. My friends know I can't cook to save a life, so surprise surprise. I'm slowly learning and I've mostly been preparing my meals while perusing through recipe apps (I hope my Instagram stories can tell). Thanking the heavens that the liberty to shape up after months of recuperation is upon me. I can finally revel in phone conversations with Marc without having to cut it short because I have a 7:30 am class the next day. Lastly on a life update basis, Jeepney TV and Prime time teleserye have become my life line (I'd like to think nothing can get more Filipino than that).
The minute I realized I was unnecessarily rushing was the very minute I realized it's true; That there really is magic in the mundane. Lazy couch hangs, dessert runs, medium-rare meat, homemade cocktails and face mask with my best friend (I'm happy you're home), receiving a box full of ice cream, and hour long phone calls. Everything at it's right time but man, you gotta enjoy life while you're at it.
Luther Vandross and Janet Jackson were right: The best things in life are free.
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